
書道 奥の細道 37【 金沢 2】2008 松尾芭蕉 俳句 教秀

秋涼し 手ごとにむけや 瓜茄子

Akisuzushi tegotoni mukeya uri nasubi
あきすずし てごとにむけや うりなすび
The meaning of this haiku
Early fall began and cooled down. It was the season that it was easy to spend very much when I compared it in those hot days. By the way, I peel a gourd and the eggplant which were put on the table, everybody, and let's eat. I thank the master of this house.

毎日、暑いですね~。今年の夏は、24時間エアコンをつけておかないと、熱中症になりそうです。特に『奥の細道』に取り組んでいてうまく書けない時は血圧も上がってしまいます。血圧の薬も飲んでいるのですが、、、書道 教秀 https://www.kyoushhu.com/